Horses need educated equestrians.
It is our responsibility to make sure horses are happy and healthy athletes, living horse- appropriate lives.
Our mission is to offer a source of educational content for equestrians everywhere. Knowledge and education are key in facilitating long term positive changes in the way we keep, manage and train our horses.
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Expert horse care tips delivered to your inbox. Each week, we'll send you tips, tricks and articles about how to keep your horse happy any healthy. From training and biomechanics to manual therapy and injury prevention, we've got you covered.
Anatomy is where it all starts.
Understanding how the horse’s body is built gives us a better chance of understanding how the demands we put on them influence the horse as a whole.
Biomechanics made easy.
Knowing how the horse moves, with and without a rider, is crucial for making sound decisions about training and managing horses. Our goal is to make this information as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Looking at the whole horse.
The horse is not an entity made up of individual parts. Every aspect of horse training, care and management should be understood in the wider context of the horse as a whole.

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
— Maya Angelou