training Katja Porenta training Katja Porenta

Before you buy a horse

Not every horse is right for every purpose. Before you buy a horse, have a long think about your skill level, your ambitions and your financial capability.

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injuries Katja Porenta injuries Katja Porenta

Hidden damage

Old injuries can sometimes be very tricky to spot. Here are some issues that are quite common in horses, but often overlooked.

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equine bodywork Katja Porenta equine bodywork Katja Porenta

Misconceptions about carrot stretches

Carrot stretches, or dynamic mobilization exercises, are something most horse owners are at least vaguely familiar with. Perhaps a bodyworker showed them to you at some stage, or maybe you read about it in a how-to article, or maybe you did them without knowing when you were in your trick training phase, teaching your horse how to bow. In any case, most people are aware that carrot stretches are exercises where you guide the horse's head and neck to different positions using a treat, inviting them to take their spine through a varied range of motion. They can have enormous benefits when done correctly, but can also be less than great if not executed properly. Here are some very common misconceptions about carrot stretches.

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