Longer days, longer rides?

Spring is a great time to get back to work, but we have to make sure to do it safely, otherwise we are increasing the risk for injury.

 A crash course on posture and core muscles is a great idea after a winter break.

The days are getting longer, the trails are getting less muddy and the arena footing is starting to thaw. As soon as it starts to smell like spring outside, many riders start to spend more time in the saddle. Getting back to work after a winter break feels great, but we have to make sure we go back to work gradually, to avoid potential injury. Here are some common mistakes to avoid. Here are some tips on how to make it as safe as possible.

How careful you have to be when coming back to work will of course depend on what your horse has been up to during the winter months. If he was still in regular work, just maybe a bit lighter, then coming back to regular work should be pretty straightforward. If, however, your horse was more or less resting during the cold months, coming back to full work will take some time. The most common mistake riders make is they mistake high energy levels for fitness. A lot of horses will be very eager to go after a few weeks or months of not working. This can entice the rider to push harder than is healthy. But the willingness to go doesn't necessarily mean that the horse is ready for it. If we let the adrenaline override the musculoskeletal system, we can run into soft tissue injury very fast. The first few rides after a break need to be low intensity, with longer periods spent in a brisk walk and shorter periods of trot and canter.

Another thing to consider is how much your horse's body changed during the winter. For some horses, especially older ones, not moving as much can lead to stiffness and a loss of mobility. Moving less means the joints are less lubricated, which means they might be a bit achier. The horse will respond to this by altering his gait pattern, thus creating a compensation pattern. Natural asymmetries or past problems might creep back in these conditions. We need to be mindful of that when starting work. In the beginning, the horse might need a crash course in good posture and gradual strengthening of the core muscles. Ideally, this should be preceded by a bodywork check-up t get rid of any adhesions and restrictions that might have formed.

A change in posture, muscle tone and body score can lead to significant changes in the shape of the horse's back, which will obviously have implications for saddle fit. If your horse has changed a lot during the winter months it makes sense to get the saddle fitter out (we should do this once a year, anyway) to make any adjustments if necessary. So, in a nutshell, before you start work, have a good look at your horse. Observe his posture while standing and while moving in all three gaits. As tempting as it might be to ride, spend more time doing groundwork, so the horse's soft tissue gets used to exercise again. Get the saddle fitter and the bodyworker out and note any potential asymmetries of gait deficits. Take the time to brush up on good posture and wake up those core muscles, and then you're ready for a healthy spring and summer season!

Katja Porenta

I am an equine bodyworker and a biomechanics enthusiast from Slovenia. I finished my original certification at Equinology in 2012 after which I travelled around Europe to learn as much as possible from different equine professionals. I was lucky enough to learn from many different physiotherapists, osteopaths, veterinarians and trainers. Through my travels I gained a broader knowledge of not only manual therapy, but the concepts of healthy biomechanics as well. It is my belief that many problems faced by today’s riding horses stem from a general misunderstanding of what kind of animal the horse is and what happens to his body when we put a rider on top. It is every equine professional’s job to educate the equestrian public and broaden the understanding of what the horse needs in order to stay sound. I believe that teamwork is the key to success when it comes to keeping horses happy and sound, which is why I work closely with a variety of different equine professionals.


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