Longer days, longer rides?
Spring is a great time to get back to work, but we have to make sure to do it safely, otherwise we are increasing the risk for injury.
The first step to recovery is addressing pain
When dealing with dysfunction, addressing pain should be the first step. There is no point in implementing strengthening programmes until the horse is pain-free and can benefit from strengthening.
Misconceptions about carrot stretches
Carrot stretches, or dynamic mobilization exercises, are something most horse owners are at least vaguely familiar with. Perhaps a bodyworker showed them to you at some stage, or maybe you read about it in a how-to article, or maybe you did them without knowing when you were in your trick training phase, teaching your horse how to bow. In any case, most people are aware that carrot stretches are exercises where you guide the horse's head and neck to different positions using a treat, inviting them to take their spine through a varied range of motion. They can have enormous benefits when done correctly, but can also be less than great if not executed properly. Here are some very common misconceptions about carrot stretches.
Vikings and temple dancers
In terms of connective tissue properties, horses can be either temple dancers or vikings. Knowing what type of horse you are dealing with, can help you make better training decisions.
Restore function first, strengthen second
Strengthening exercises, especially those targeting the core, have become very popular. While we do need to strengthen our horses if we want them to carry us, it is important to…
Is the belly lift exercise always a good idea?
The belly lift is a very popular core strengthening exercise, but for some horses it might not be appropriate.
Flexibility vs. Stability
Have you ever been told that your horse needs a flexible, bendy spine in order to perform all those amazing athletic feats that we ask our horses to do?
Winter time
Here are some tips on how to keep your senior horse fit and moving well in the winter months.