Flexibility vs mobility
Flexibility and mobility are two different things. Here’s why it’s important to tell them apart.
Different types of muscle dysfunction
Did you know that muscle dysfunction comes in two specific flavours? This is why it matters to address both of them.
Taking care of the poll
Prevention is better than cure. Implementing strategies to prevent poll issues from occurring is much easier than dealing with dysfunction after it occurs.
The poll – what can go wrong?
The poll has a huge impact on the entire body, which is why issues in this area can cause dental imbalances, problems down the neck and even all the way down to the feet.
The poll – form and function
The poll is an incredibly important area. To really understand it, we have to understand the function of two important joints – the atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial joint.
It's never just tight hamstrings
Tight hamstrings is a very common issue in horses, but simply treating the tightness might do more harm than good.
Hunter's bump – restoring functionality
We talked a little bit about what a hunter's bump is and how it occurs. In this post I want to delve a bit more into the practical aspect of dealing with this issue.
Should I be worried if my horse has a hunter's bump?
Hunter's bumps are a relatively common sight in horses, especially in big warmbloods. Most horse owners know what a hunter's bump looks like, but not many know where it comes from.
Whole horse rehabilitation
If we take the traditional approach and focus all of our attention on the injured tendon, neglecting the rest of the horse's body, we might be able to make it better, but for how long?
Flexibility vs. Stability
Have you ever been told that your horse needs a flexible, bendy spine in order to perform all those amazing athletic feats that we ask our horses to do?