Longer days, longer rides?
Spring is a great time to get back to work, but we have to make sure to do it safely, otherwise we are increasing the risk for injury.
Back to school challenge
If you are bringing your horse back to work after a lazy summer, make sure to make a plan first – this will make progress faster and healthier.
Good posture on the trail
Groundwork should not be reserved for the arena only. You can do some wonderful groundwork and set up a good foundation for healthy posture on the trail too.
A closer look at postural changes
Training your eye to spot good posture can be tricky. Here is a closer look at some things to be watching out for.
It's not what you do, it's how you do it
When it comes to which exercises are appropriate for a specific goal, it all depends on the manner in which they are executed.
Stress and the thoracic sling
Stress is bad for so many things, including locomotive problems. A stressed horse will be more likely to overextend the base of his neck, causing many issues.
Not all muscles are created equal
Is there such a thing as too much muscle development? You bet! Here is why it’s important to differentiate between two major groups of muscles.
The challenges of good posture – a case study
While static posture can tell us a lot about how the horse uses his body, it doesn’t tell the whole story. Here is an example of a well-functioning horse with poor static posture.
The five rules of lunging horses
Lunging the horse is a great way to keep them balanced and fit, but we need to follow certain guidelines if we want to make sure we are not harming them in the process.
Passive physiotherapy – variable feeding positions
Implementing variable feeding positions to your horse’s environment can have a great effect on their musculo-skeletal system, especially the neck region. Here are some things to keep in mind when setting it up.
What is passive physiotherapy?
Posture is not only the result of training, but how the horse spends his free time too. By manipulating his living environment, we can facilitate good posture even when we are not working with the horse.
Who needs good posture?
Good posture is not something that belongs only in the rehabilitation process. It is good for every horse, regardless of age, breed and workload.