Moving on circles is hard work
Because lunging is such a common practice, we often forget how difficult moving on circles is for horses. We need to be aware of this is we want to make sure to teach our horses how to handle the challenge of moving on a bend.
It's not what you do, it's how you do it
When it comes to which exercises are appropriate for a specific goal, it all depends on the manner in which they are executed.
Not all muscles are created equal
Is there such a thing as too much muscle development? You bet! Here is why it’s important to differentiate between two major groups of muscles.
Active retirement
Horses that can’t do their job anymore will still benefit from exercise. Instead of letting their muscles go to waste, it is important to keep them active.
Horses in pain: recognising red flags
Horses are really good at hiding pain, so we need to be able to hear the slightest hints of discomfort. Here are some common red flags to look out for.