Releasing the key areas
Three important junctions in the horse’s spine are key to healthy back mobility. Here are some gentle techniques to help release any tension in these areas.
What can the braciocephalicus tell us?
The brachiocephalicus can tell us a lot about what is going on in the horse’s front end, so it pays to be able to observe and palpate it.
Every pull-back incident is a big deal
A horse pulling back while being tied is a scary sight to witness and it should always be taken seriously.
The poll, TMJ and teeth triangle
The poll, the TMJ and the teeth influence each other in a big way, so it's important to always address all three when addresing one of them.
Taking care of the poll
Prevention is better than cure. Implementing strategies to prevent poll issues from occurring is much easier than dealing with dysfunction after it occurs.
The poll – what can go wrong?
The poll has a huge impact on the entire body, which is why issues in this area can cause dental imbalances, problems down the neck and even all the way down to the feet.
The poll – form and function
The poll is an incredibly important area. To really understand it, we have to understand the function of two important joints – the atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial joint.
Try this technique for TMJ discomfort
Here is a set of very gentle, but powerful set of techniques that help horses with TMJ discomfort.