Hunter's bump – restoring functionality
We talked a little bit about what a hunter's bump is and how it occurs. In this post I want to delve a bit more into the practical aspect of dealing with this issue.
Should I be worried if my horse has a hunter's bump?
Hunter's bumps are a relatively common sight in horses, especially in big warmbloods. Most horse owners know what a hunter's bump looks like, but not many know where it comes from.
Try this move for the neck fascia.
Tightness in the neck is very common in horses and it is often caused by restrictions in the fascis. Here is a simple move you can try to loosen up your horse's neck.
Who needs good posture?
Good posture is not something that belongs only in the rehabilitation process. It is good for every horse, regardless of age, breed and workload.
Talking to the nervous system
A simple exercise you can do with your horse to release some front-end tension and address the nervous system.
Don't forget the nervous system!
The nervous system is an important component of restoring functionality in a body and should not be overlooked. Exercises that target the nervous system are gentle, but very effective.
Sticky stifles
The quite common issue of sticky stifles very often indicates an unbalanced hind end. It needs to be addressed not only through strengthening but by re-balancing the biomechanics of the hind end.
The underlying issues
With musculo-skeletal issues, we tend to focus on the dorsal aspect of the horse's body. But very often, the real cause of the problem is hidden underneath.